It continues to be a very interesting time in the world of politics nationally and like last month many of you are contacting me with your views and comments on the events of the last few months.
The new Prime Minister last month asked me to become the United Kingdom’s Security Minister. I have the daunting responsibility of protecting British Citizens at home and abroad from terrorism, organised crime and cyber attacks. I also have the job of helping the Aerospace industry with their exports. Much of the job takes me back to my time in the Army. Daily I have to balance the information and intelligence I receive with the requirements to protect the citizens of the United Kingdom.
In Britain we all enjoy freedoms that many envy but it is often those freedoms that terrorist use to attack us. Getting the balance right, as a Government, is a constant challenge.
I will do my very best to protect you all while at the same time upholding our British values. I am very privileged to work with our police and security services. They work so often in secret with no acknowledgement. We are lucky to have them and I know that they are respected around the world.
This time of the year gives me the opportunity to spend time with my family here in Lancashire and the summer weather we are enjoying is certainly welcome.
I am also using this time to continue to travel around the Constituency which is always pleasant but even better when the sun is shining! I continue to travel around Lancashire meeting with the emergency services, councils, hospitals etc. in order to ensure that constituents’ issues are heard and understood and to highlight individual cases.
I have recently met with Highways England to be updated on the progress of the A585 relief road. At the moment there are options but I have been informed that there is a preferred option and residents will get the chance to have their say later this year during consultation.
I know Highways England has given a presentation to the Poulton Forum recently about the scheme and I am sure more briefings to local residents will follow. I would urge local residents to have their say and ensure Highways England know all the local issues with regard to highways.
Ensuring that we have access to the best infrastructure is essential and I have been concerned about the standard of rolling stock being used on local rail services. With this in mind I recently met with a representative from Northern Rail.
I have received complaints from constituents which have highlighted concerns about the standard of carriages and their general state of repair. During the meeting, I made it clear that the standard of rolling stock must be improved. I am pleased to be able to tell you that from 2017/8 we can expect new and much improved trains.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job is to travel around the Constituency and I do this at every opportunity. At the moment many towns and villages are taking part in the ‘In Bloom Competition’ and this only adds to the area.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all ‘In Bloom’ volunteers for their hard work in the local community. Indeed there are many volunteers and voluntary groups in the Constituency doing outstanding work.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like me to visit your group or event and find out more about the work being carried out locally.
If I can be of any assistance to you please email me at [email protected] or write to me at: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Alternatively you can contact my Office at the House of Commons on 0207 219 5804 or my Constituency Office on (01995) 672977.
Ben Wallace MP