As the weather starts to pick up and we look forward to summer, I look forward to not only continuing to travel around the Constituency but indeed increase the time spent here in Lancashire.
Although at times London can be very demanding, I never forget the importance of visiting businesses, charities, the emergency services, schools and so the list goes on. I have said it many times but these visits help me find out what is really going on in the Constituency.
The condition and safety of local roads is still a major concern to residents as I see from my mailbag. With this in mind, I have recently written to the Transport Minister in support of an application which Lancashire County Council has made to the Safer Roads Fund to make improvements to the A588 between Lancaster and Skippool.
The proposed improvements will provide additional safety engineering measures along the length of the A588 between the Pointer Roundabout in Lancaster and its junction with A585 at Skippool.
The Road Safety Foundation has assessed the A588 as the third most dangerous road in Britain, based on the fact that between 2013 and 2015 there were 28 serious crashes along the road.
I know the safety of the road is a great concern to all road users. The safety engineering measures proposed by Lancashire County Council are intended to reduce the risk of fatal and serious collisions occurring along the route by reducing exposure to hazards and creating a safer environment for all road users.
I have had many long term concerns about the A588 and working with the Parish Council’s and County Councillors, John Shedwick and Matthew Salter, I have been highlighting many issues.
One particular issue is the need for a crossing near the Seven Stars Public House. Although initially LCC did not look on this favourably, I will keep highlighting the need.
The issue of pavement parking is a great concern to many of you and I have recently raised a number of specific cases of pavement parking with the Police and the County Council.
Pavement parking means that pedestrians suffering from mobility issues, blindness and people with prams are often forced to walk on roads. This is clearly unacceptable and obstruction is of course a Police matter.
Improving access for disabled people has always been a key priority for the Government. I understand the Government is set to make an announcement regarding pavement parking later this year and I will follow progress on this very closely. More broadly, the Government has already taken steps to make it easier for Councils to tackle pavement parking.
I have received a number of representations about the new Salmon and Sea Trout protection byelaws which have been proposed by the Environment Agency.
I understand that between August and October last year the Environment Agency consulted on how salmon fisheries can be better managed to protect salmon stocks.
As a result of the consultation responses which the Environment Agency received they have developed the proposed new byelaws.
Having read the proposed new byelaws I understand that locally the new regulations will mean that from this year all salmon caught from the River Lune, River Wyre or River Calder must be released.
I have put forward Constituent’s Concerns and will wait for a response. Although the constituents who contacted me are broadly in support of measures to protect the salmon population, they have highlighted a number of highly specific, local concerns based on their knowledge of our rivers. I have asked for these comments to be taken on board by the Environment Agency.
An extremely welcome break to Parliamentary business is when Local Gala Queens come to the Commons for a visit. Recently I have welcomed Phoebe Lyons, Poulton’s Gala Queen and Beth Armer, St Michael’s Gala Queen,and I will be seeing Isobel Wilkinson, Churchtown Festival Rose Queen, very shortly.
Planning and development continue to be of major concern to residents and I always advise people to have their say on development by giving the Local Planning Authority (Wyre Council) their views.
I continue to represent constituents by voicing their concerns, keeping up to date with Wyre’s Plan and I will have spoken at the plan hearing by the time this is published.
A representative from my Great Eccleston Office recently attended a presentation at Catterall Village Hall concerning a proposed development on land off Calder House Lane, Bowgreave in order to gauge opinion and local concerns.
I have many constituency days planned over the summer and I look forward to meeting as many constituents as possible.
If I can be of any assistance to you please ring my Office at the House of Commons on 0207 219 5804 or my Constituency Office on 01995 672976, email me at [email protected] or write to me at the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.